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LORD OF THE RINGS - Gandalf the Grey Mini Polystone Statue

LORD OF THE RINGS - Gandalf the Grey Mini Polystone StatueLORD OF THE RINGS - Gandalf the Grey Mini Polystone StatueLORD OF THE RINGS - Gandalf the Grey Mini Polystone StatueLORD OF THE RINGS - Gandalf the Grey Mini Polystone StatueLORD OF THE RINGS - Gandalf the Grey Mini Polystone StatueLORD OF THE RINGS - Gandalf the Grey Mini Polystone StatueLORD OF THE RINGS - Gandalf the Grey Mini Polystone StatueLORD OF THE RINGS - Gandalf the Grey Mini Polystone StatueLORD OF THE RINGS - Gandalf the Grey Mini Polystone StatueLORD OF THE RINGS - Gandalf the Grey Mini Polystone Statue

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149,90 Iva inclusa (22%)

Cod. art.: WETA860103825
Condizioni: Nuovo
Marca: Weta
Tipologia: Statue - Polystone
EAN/UPC: 9420024738252
Disponibilità: disponibile disponibile per la spedizione immediata
An ally to all, from the long-lived Elves to the humble Hobbits, the wizard Gandalf fights to protect all of Middle-earth.

An ancient being full of power and mystery, Gandalf has been many things: A wizard, a protector, a mentor, a guide, and a friend. When the Fellowship sets off on their heroic quest to destroy the One Ring and vanquish Sauron's dominion over Middle-earth, it is Gandalf who volunteers to lead the group through the inevitable perils they will face. One could not ask for a more reliable and trustworthy companion.

Product size: 11 x 18,9 x 11 cm


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