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SPIDER-MAN - No Way Home - Peter #3 - 1/10 Deluxe BDS Art Scale Statue

SPIDER-MAN - No Way Home - Peter #3 - 1/10 Deluxe BDS Art Scale StatueSPIDER-MAN - No Way Home - Peter #3 - 1/10 Deluxe BDS Art Scale StatueSPIDER-MAN - No Way Home - Peter #3 - 1/10 Deluxe BDS Art Scale StatueSPIDER-MAN - No Way Home - Peter #3 - 1/10 Deluxe BDS Art Scale StatueSPIDER-MAN - No Way Home - Peter #3 - 1/10 Deluxe BDS Art Scale StatueSPIDER-MAN - No Way Home - Peter #3 - 1/10 Deluxe BDS Art Scale StatueSPIDER-MAN - No Way Home - Peter #3 - 1/10 Deluxe BDS Art Scale StatueSPIDER-MAN - No Way Home - Peter #3 - 1/10 Deluxe BDS Art Scale StatueSPIDER-MAN - No Way Home - Peter #3 - 1/10 Deluxe BDS Art Scale StatueSPIDER-MAN - No Way Home - Peter #3 - 1/10 Deluxe BDS Art Scale StatueSPIDER-MAN - No Way Home - Peter #3 - 1/10 Deluxe BDS Art Scale StatueSPIDER-MAN - No Way Home - Peter #3 - 1/10 Deluxe BDS Art Scale StatueSPIDER-MAN - No Way Home - Peter #3 - 1/10 Deluxe BDS Art Scale Statue

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249,90 Iva inclusa (22%)

Cod. art.: IS95060
Condizioni: Nuovo
Marca: Iron Studios
Tipologia: Statue - Polystone
Scala: 1/10
EAN/UPC: 618231950607
Disponibilità: disponibile disponibile per la spedizione immediata
Called "Peter-Three" by his allies, the young hero from an alternate universe embraces his role as the middle brother from the trio made of different versions of himself in another world. Ready and willing to aid his younger version and his slightly older version to face two of his biggest opponents, and other enemies still unknown to him, so that they can be returned each to their own universe, he is still haunted by his failure in saving his deceased girlfriend, Gwen Stacy. He developed his synthetic web-shooters using the Oscorp's Biocable technology from his world and uses a red and blue suit divided by black lines, and a mask with big eyes as visors to protect his identity. On a pedestal formed of wood and metallic structures from a scaffold on the Liberty Island in New York, the amazing wall climber prepares himself with his arms opened ready for action. Reproduced with maximum attention down to the tiniest details of his suit and anatomy, Iron Studios bring the statue "Spider-Man Peter-Three BDS - Spider-Man: No Way Home -Art Scale 1/10", inspired by the movie in which the actor reruns his role from the Spider-Man movies by Marc Webb.

In a posthumous message, the villain Mysterio revealed to the world the identity of Peter Parker as Spider-Man and framed him for his murder. Suffering the consequences of this exposure, even though he was cleared of the charges by his attorney Matt Murdock, the young Parker seeks help from the sorcerer Dr. Strange that casts a spell to erase everyone's memory of his double identity. When Parker starts to ask for changes to the spell, to allow those he loves to keep their memories, something goes wrong, and this corrupted spell brings villains from alternate realities that knew about Spider-Man's identity, opening portals from a multiverse. Therefore, the young hero has to face the threats of the Green Goblin
(Norman Osborn), Doctor Octopus (Otto Octavius), and Sandman (Flint Marko), introduced in the trilogy of movies of the hero directed by Sam Raimi from 2002 to 2007, together with the reptilian Lizard (Dr. Curt Connors) and Electro (Max Dillon) that originated in the movies from 2012 and 2014, directed by Marc Webb, withdrawn from their universes right before their deaths. To help Peter, his best friend Ned Leeds discovers that he can open portals using the mystic Sling Rings from Dr. Strange, and while trying to locate him, Ned brings alternate versions of Parker from the villains' universes, nicknamed Peter-Two (Played by Tobey Maguire) and Peter-Three (played by Andrew Garfield), they join Peter-One (played by Tom Holland) to heal the villains' insanities and send them back to their respective universes.

A huge event in the movie theaters, the movie gathers for the first time different versions of the character originated from distinct adaptations, bringing back the actors Willem Dafoe (Norman Osborn), Alfred Molina (Otto Octavius), Thomas Haden Church (Flint Marko), Rhys Ifans (Dr. Curt Connorts), and Jamie Foxx (Max Dillon) rerunning their roles from previous productions, just like Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield again as the friendly neighborhood arachnid hero. Revealed on the Inside Iron Studios Day show on YouTube, the statues can both compose a diorama set, individually available, and represent the three iconic versions of the arachnid hero from the movies.

Size: 24 x 12 x 12 cm


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    •  25.07.2024 

      Ottimo venditore, consigliato

    •  25.07.2024 

      Tutto perfetto grazie mille

    •  25.07.2024 

      Ho già acquistato altro da loro e come la volta scorsa non posso essere più che soddisfatto, sono veloci nella spedizione, l'imballaggio e perfetto che dire sono veramente top e soprattutto SERI cosa non sempre scontata

    •  25.07.2024 

      Ottima esperienza. Spedizione velocissima e nei tempi previsti. Ottimo imballaggio. Prodotto impeccabile.

    •  24.07.2024 

      Tout est parfait, merci.

    •  24.07.2024 

      Tutto perfetto!!!

    •  24.07.2024 

      Ottimo venditore.

    •  24.07.2024 

      Transazione perfetta da A+++. Scusami per il ritardo. Consigliato.

    •  24.07.2024 

      Top ???? Alles bestens, sicher verpackt und schnell geliefert. Danke !

    •  24.07.2024 

      Figure bellissima e arrivata rapidamente

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