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THE HOBBIT - King Thror on Throne 1/6 Statue

THE HOBBIT - King Thror on Throne 1/6 StatueTHE HOBBIT - King Thror on Throne 1/6 StatueTHE HOBBIT - King Thror on Throne 1/6 StatueTHE HOBBIT - King Thror on Throne 1/6 StatueTHE HOBBIT - King Thror on Throne 1/6 Statue

Feedback degli utenti


899,90 Iva inclusa (22%)

Cod. art.: WETA01282
Condizioni: Nuovo
Marca: Weta
Tipologia: Statue - Polystone
Scala: 1/6
EAN/UPC: 9420024712825
Disponibilità: non disponibile
With this beautiful sculpture, Weta continues the legacy of finely crafted, highly detailed 1/6 scale collectible polystone statues from Middle-earth.

King of the Dwarves under the Mountain and possessor of the greatest treasure hoard in all of Middle-earth, Thror reigns supreme from his throne at the heart of the carved city of Erebor. In the king’s treasure halls, innumerable gold coins stamped with his likeness lie stacked thousands deep, yet still Erebor’s living stone walls glitter with criss-crossing veins of unmined wealth: gems, gold and other precious metals.

King Thror on Throne was sculpted by Gary Hunt and Dave Tremont.

Dimensions: 46 x 34 x 15 cm

Limited to 1000 pieces.


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    Tempi di spedizione
    Feedback degli utenti
    •  07.06.2024 

      Confezione ancora col cellophane. Spedizione immediata e imballo perfetto. Niente da dire, ottimo acquisto.

    •  07.06.2024 

      Venditore fantastico,veloce e imballaggio impeccabile, risposta immediata massima gentilezza

    •  07.06.2024 


    •  07.06.2024 

      Tutto perfetto

    •  07.06.2024 

      top seller!!!

    •  07.06.2024 

      Tutto arrivato in ottime condizioni

    •  06.06.2024 

      Ritirato ieri al punto di ritiro scelto, sempre tutto perfetto, consigliato.

    •  06.06.2024 

      Tutto ok

    •  06.06.2024 

      Tutto perfetto!

    •  06.06.2024 

      Perfect !

    Elenco completo »

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