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GUNDAM - 1/100 AGEII Magnum Model Kit Master Grade MG

GUNDAM - 1/100 AGEII Magnum Model Kit Master Grade MGGUNDAM - 1/100 AGEII Magnum Model Kit Master Grade MGGUNDAM - 1/100 AGEII Magnum Model Kit Master Grade MGGUNDAM - 1/100 AGEII Magnum Model Kit Master Grade MGGUNDAM - 1/100 AGEII Magnum Model Kit Master Grade MGGUNDAM - 1/100 AGEII Magnum Model Kit Master Grade MGGUNDAM - 1/100 AGEII Magnum Model Kit Master Grade MGGUNDAM - 1/100 AGEII Magnum Model Kit Master Grade MG

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64,00 Iva inclusa (22%)

Cod. art.: BANS57065
Condizioni: Nuovo
Marca: Bandai
Tipologia: Model Kit - Master Grade
Scala: 1/100
EAN/UPC: 4573102570659
Disponibilità: disponibile disponibile per la spedizione immediata

From "Gundam Build Divers" comes GBN champion Kyoya Kujo's AGEII Magnum in MG form! 

The AGEII Magnum's MG-specific head part features sharp molding for a high-quality look you'd expect of an MG. In addition, the holding power of its shoulders has been improved thanks to a new shoulder frame mold, so your posing will hold up better, even over time or when equipped with weapons. And, a locking mechanism for the hip joint allows for a secure range of motion when in MS form.

Speaking for forms, this kit can also be transformed into Phoenix Mode! When in Phoenix Mode, you'll enjoy details such as the precise recreation of the beam vulcans on the shoulders, and aesthetically-pleasing and accurate leg silhouettes. Foil stickers, regular stickers, namer sticker, and dry decals are all included.


  • Hyper DODS rifle magnum x1
  • Beam saber x2
  • Sigil shield x1
  • F funnel x4
  • Display base x1


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