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BERSERK - Guts Berserker Armor L Pop Up Parade Pvc Figure Gatsu

BERSERK - Guts Berserker Armor L Pop Up Parade Pvc Figure GatsuBERSERK - Guts Berserker Armor L Pop Up Parade Pvc Figure GatsuBERSERK - Guts Berserker Armor L Pop Up Parade Pvc Figure GatsuBERSERK - Guts Berserker Armor L Pop Up Parade Pvc Figure GatsuBERSERK - Guts Berserker Armor L Pop Up Parade Pvc Figure GatsuBERSERK - Guts Berserker Armor L Pop Up Parade Pvc Figure GatsuBERSERK - Guts Berserker Armor L Pop Up Parade Pvc Figure GatsuBERSERK - Guts Berserker Armor L Pop Up Parade Pvc Figure Gatsu

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139,90 Iva inclusa (22%)

Cod. art.: MAFC04371
Condizioni: Nuovo
Marca: Max Factory
Tipologia: Static Figure - Pvc
EAN/UPC: 4545784043714
Disponibilità: non disponibile
Bloodlust blacks out all else.

Presenting POP UP PARADE figures now in a larger size! POP UP PARADE is bringing figure fans a brand new sense of excitement with the L line. From the popular manga "Berserk" comes a POP UP PARADE L Size figure of Guts wearing the Berserker Armor. The figure stands at approximately 280mm in height (including the vignette base). Guts' appearance from the cover illustration of the manga's 28th volume has been impressively captured in figure form.
In addition to the standard head part, a head part that can be used with a Milight 316R (released by: Hiromi Sangyo) LED to create a glowing eye effect is included as well.
*Please note that the Milight 316R (released by: Hiromi Sangyo) is not included in the product.


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    Feedback degli utenti
    •  11.02.2025 

      Very fast delivery, well packaged, product as described, Thanks, A++

    •  11.02.2025 

      Exactly as described and quick delivery

    •  11.02.2025 

      Tutto ok, venditore consigliato.

    •  10.02.2025 

      Venditore affidabile e preciso

    •  10.02.2025 


    •  10.02.2025 

      venditore fantastico! ben imballato e spedizione veloce in Irlanda! comprerò sicuramente di nuovo! Grazie! fantastic seller! well packed and fast shipment to Ireland! will definitly buy from again! thank you!

    •  10.02.2025 

      Oggetto nuovo come da descrizione! Ottimo nei dettagli e packaging della consegna di tutto rispetto! Scatola del prodotto nuova non rovinata. Venditore consigliato ??

    •  09.02.2025 

      Oggetto migliore della descrizione, ottimo prezzo, imballaggio e spedizione velocissima. Molto raccomandato !!!+++

    •  09.02.2025 

      Super vendeur , tout est parfait je recommande !

    •  09.02.2025 

      Tutto è perfetto. L'articolo è uguale a quello mostrato in vendita ed è arrivato rapidamente nei tempi previsti.

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