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THE BATMAN MOVIE - Batcycle 1/6 Vehicle MMS642

THE BATMAN MOVIE - Batcycle 1/6 Vehicle MMS642THE BATMAN MOVIE - Batcycle 1/6 Vehicle MMS642THE BATMAN MOVIE - Batcycle 1/6 Vehicle MMS642THE BATMAN MOVIE - Batcycle 1/6 Vehicle MMS642THE BATMAN MOVIE - Batcycle 1/6 Vehicle MMS642THE BATMAN MOVIE - Batcycle 1/6 Vehicle MMS642THE BATMAN MOVIE - Batcycle 1/6 Vehicle MMS642THE BATMAN MOVIE - Batcycle 1/6 Vehicle MMS642THE BATMAN MOVIE - Batcycle 1/6 Vehicle MMS642

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544,90 Iva inclusa (22%)

Cod. art.: HOT910637
Condizioni: Nuovo
Marca: Hot Toys
Tipologia: Vehicle
Scala: 1/6
EAN/UPC: 4895228611048
Disponibilità: disponibile disponibile per la spedizione immediata
The Batman movie has conquered the theaters worldwide! Beneath the tactical gear and eye black, the Caped Crusader is roaming the streets of Gotham City on the Batcycle - the sleekest mode of transport at night. As a continuation of The Batman collection, Sideshow and Hot Toys is thrilled to introduce the Batcycle Sixth Scale Accessory that allows fans to race through the city.

Based on the vehicle seen in The Batman movie, the one-sixth scale Batcycle collectible vehicle is recreated with extreme precision and fine painting applications, measures 42 cm in length, features LED light-up function design on the head and tail lights, adjustable-degree handlebar, rotatable rubber wheels given a realistic tread pattern, also highly-accurate mechanical details showcased on the engine, frame, dashboard, and exhaust, comes with display bases.

The Batcycle Sixth Scale Accessory will certainly bring your DC Comics display onto a whole new level!

Product size: 19 x 42 x 19 cm

Batman figure not included.


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    Feedback degli utenti
    •  11.02.2025 

      Very fast delivery, well packaged, product as described, Thanks, A++

    •  11.02.2025 

      Exactly as described and quick delivery

    •  11.02.2025 

      Tutto ok, venditore consigliato.

    •  10.02.2025 

      Venditore affidabile e preciso

    •  10.02.2025 


    •  10.02.2025 

      venditore fantastico! ben imballato e spedizione veloce in Irlanda! comprerò sicuramente di nuovo! Grazie! fantastic seller! well packed and fast shipment to Ireland! will definitly buy from again! thank you!

    •  10.02.2025 

      Oggetto nuovo come da descrizione! Ottimo nei dettagli e packaging della consegna di tutto rispetto! Scatola del prodotto nuova non rovinata. Venditore consigliato ??

    •  09.02.2025 

      Oggetto migliore della descrizione, ottimo prezzo, imballaggio e spedizione velocissima. Molto raccomandato !!!+++

    •  09.02.2025 

      Super vendeur , tout est parfait je recommande !

    •  09.02.2025 

      Tutto è perfetto. L'articolo è uguale a quello mostrato in vendita ed è arrivato rapidamente nei tempi previsti.

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