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BATMAN - Batman Begins - Batman Premium Format Figure 1/4 Statue

BATMAN - Batman Begins - Batman Premium Format Figure 1/4 StatueBATMAN - Batman Begins - Batman Premium Format Figure 1/4 StatueBATMAN - Batman Begins - Batman Premium Format Figure 1/4 StatueBATMAN - Batman Begins - Batman Premium Format Figure 1/4 StatueBATMAN - Batman Begins - Batman Premium Format Figure 1/4 StatueBATMAN - Batman Begins - Batman Premium Format Figure 1/4 StatueBATMAN - Batman Begins - Batman Premium Format Figure 1/4 StatueBATMAN - Batman Begins - Batman Premium Format Figure 1/4 StatueBATMAN - Batman Begins - Batman Premium Format Figure 1/4 StatueBATMAN - Batman Begins - Batman Premium Format Figure 1/4 StatueBATMAN - Batman Begins - Batman Premium Format Figure 1/4 StatueBATMAN - Batman Begins - Batman Premium Format Figure 1/4 StatueBATMAN - Batman Begins - Batman Premium Format Figure 1/4 StatueBATMAN - Batman Begins - Batman Premium Format Figure 1/4 StatueBATMAN - Batman Begins - Batman Premium Format Figure 1/4 StatueBATMAN - Batman Begins - Batman Premium Format Figure 1/4 Statue

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929,90 Iva inclusa (22%)

Cod. art.: SS300763
Condizioni: Nuovo
Marca: Sideshow
Tipologia: Statue - Premium Format
Scala: 1/4
EAN/UPC: 747720244047
Disponibilità: disponibile disponibile per la spedizione immediata
Sideshow presents the Batman™ Premium Format™ Figure, a cinematic take on the Dark Knight stepping into your roster of DC Comics collectibles.

Inspired by actor Christian Bale's turn as the iconic superhero in the film Batman Begins (2005), this statue captures the signature stylings of his own unique Batsuit and memorable on-screen presence. The Batman Premium Format Figure stands 25.75" tall on a 9" wide base inspired by the Narrows, the crumbling Gotham neighborhood riddled with crime. Looming above the decaying infrastructure of his city, Batman looks out with a stern gaze beneath his cowl in search of criminal lowlifes to stop in the pursuit of justice.

The polyresin Batman Premium Format Figure features a mixed media costume application consisting of a fully sculpted suit and cowl design paired with a tailored fabric cape. The cape has a textured exterior and sleek interior, and metal wiring in the hem allows for dramatic posing opportunities with this material element. This iteration of the Batsuit features matte black coloring and tactical, more armored aspects to the torso, arms, and legs. He has spined gauntlets, dark boots, and a gold utility belt to complete the costume and give him a distinct pop of color in the darkness.

Become the night and bring home the Batman Premium Format Figure for your DC collection today!


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    Feedback degli utenti
    •  25.07.2024 

      Ottimo venditore, consigliato

    •  25.07.2024 

      Tutto perfetto grazie mille

    •  25.07.2024 

      Ho già acquistato altro da loro e come la volta scorsa non posso essere più che soddisfatto, sono veloci nella spedizione, l'imballaggio e perfetto che dire sono veramente top e soprattutto SERI cosa non sempre scontata

    •  25.07.2024 

      Ottima esperienza. Spedizione velocissima e nei tempi previsti. Ottimo imballaggio. Prodotto impeccabile.

    •  24.07.2024 

      Tout est parfait, merci.

    •  24.07.2024 

      Tutto perfetto!!!

    •  24.07.2024 

      Ottimo venditore.

    •  24.07.2024 

      Transazione perfetta da A+++. Scusami per il ritardo. Consigliato.

    •  24.07.2024 

      Top ???? Alles bestens, sicher verpackt und schnell geliefert. Danke !

    •  24.07.2024 

      Figure bellissima e arrivata rapidamente

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