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STAR WARS - Mythos - Yoda Polystone Statue

STAR WARS - Mythos - Yoda Polystone StatueSTAR WARS - Mythos - Yoda Polystone StatueSTAR WARS - Mythos - Yoda Polystone StatueSTAR WARS - Mythos - Yoda Polystone StatueSTAR WARS - Mythos - Yoda Polystone StatueSTAR WARS - Mythos - Yoda Polystone StatueSTAR WARS - Mythos - Yoda Polystone StatueSTAR WARS - Mythos - Yoda Polystone StatueSTAR WARS - Mythos - Yoda Polystone StatueSTAR WARS - Mythos - Yoda Polystone StatueSTAR WARS - Mythos - Yoda Polystone StatueSTAR WARS - Mythos - Yoda Polystone StatueSTAR WARS - Mythos - Yoda Polystone StatueSTAR WARS - Mythos - Yoda Polystone StatueSTAR WARS - Mythos - Yoda Polystone Statue

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989,90 Iva inclusa (22%)

Cod. art.: SS200647
Condizioni: Nuovo
Marca: Sideshow
Tipologia: Statue - Polystone
EAN/UPC: 747720263871
Disponibilità: disponibile disponibile per la spedizione immediata
"Great warrior? Wars not make one great."

The Yoda™ Mythos Statue, Sideshow presents. This unique Star Wars™ collectible envisions the wizened green hero as he may have appeared earlier in his journey with the Jedi™.

As a collection, Sideshow's Mythos series are fine art collectibles that allow the collector to imagine what could have been, but maybe never was. Myths meant to be initiated by the eye and completed by the mind.

Witness a master rising! The Yoda Mythos Statue measures 17" tall and 11.75" wide, capturing a glimpse of the agile and enigmatic alien during his younger days as a galactic peacekeeper. 900 years old he is not, as he leaps through the smoldering, shattered wreckage of a ship's hull with ease in this gravity-defying pose. His lightsaber™ is extended and his arm is outstretched as the fierce battle continues. Though short of stature, Yoda proves that even the smallest being can make the biggest impact through the living Force.

The polystone Yoda Mythos Statue is fully sculpted with dynamic motion throughout the piece to emphasize his power and adherence to the Jedi creed. His layered tan and brown robes feature detailed textures and accents that add a richness to hero's traditional garb. He also wears his signature blissl™ necklace and a set of beaded bracelets on his wrists. This imaginative look at the legendary Yoda's life is a must-have for Star Wars fans of any generation.

There is no try - jump into action and add the Yoda Mythos Statue to your Star Wars collection today!

*Note: Lightsaber blade does not light up.

Product size: 43 x 30 x 35 cm


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    •  27.04.2024 

      Ottimo venditore

    •  27.04.2024 

      Venditore molto serio e professionale, sempre pronto a rispondere a chiarimenti in tempi celeri;prodotto confezionato con cura, ci ha messo qualche giorno ad arrivare, però è un esperienza di acquisto che sento di consigliare

    •  27.04.2024 

      Good seller, exclusive product and fast delivery! Thank you very much!!!!!!!

    •  26.04.2024 

      Spedizione veloce ottime condizioni

    •  26.04.2024 

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    •  26.04.2024 

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    •  26.04.2024 

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    •  26.04.2024 

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    •  26.04.2024 

      Spedizione veloce ottime condizioni

    •  26.04.2024 

      Spedizione veloce ottime condizioni

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