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GUNDAM - 1/100 WD-M01 Turn A Gundam Master Grade Model Kit MG

GUNDAM - 1/100 WD-M01 Turn A Gundam Master Grade Model Kit MG GUNDAM - 1/100 WD-M01 Turn A Gundam Master Grade Model Kit MG

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79,90 Iva inclusa (22%)

Cod. art.: BAN950536
Condizioni: Nuovo
Marca: Bandai
Tipologia: Model Kit - Master Grade
Scala: 1/100
EAN/UPC: 4543112505361
Disponibilità: non disponibile
For the distinctive honor of being its 100th Master Grade release, Bandai has selected the every-bit-as-distinctive Turn A Gundam! Featured in Yoshiyuki Tomino's "Turn A Gundam" series, this "mustachioed" Mobile Suit was designed by Syd Mead (whose work can be seen in such movies as "Aliens," "Blade Runner," and "Tron") in a unique departure from the conventional Gundam designs in the franchise. This fantastically detailed kit is packed with abundant features that showcase the hallmarks of the Master Grade series. Every movement that Turn A Gundam can do in the show can be replicated in this kit, thanks to its flexible joints located throughout the body without any armor pieces getting in the way. As seen in the show, the cockpit can be turned into a Core Fighter, thruster vanes on the back of the legs are movable, hatches located on the back can be opened when executing its "Moonlight Butterfly" attack, and hatches located on the chest can be opened to reveal missiles with multipurpose missile silos--and if you're like me and have been aching to recreate the cow-transporting scene from episode 8, just remove those missile silos, insert the included 1/100-scale cow (molded in white), and let the good times roll!Turn A Gundam comes armed with a beam rifle, two beam sabers, a Gundam hammer, and a shield. Both the beam rifle and shield can be mounted on its back. A foil sticker is included along with a sheet of decals for custom markings.


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    •  28.05.2024 


    •  28.05.2024 

      Great ebayer! Thank you very much!

    •  28.05.2024 

      Article conforme à la description et arrivé en bon état. Colis bien protégé. Pas de communication du vendeur.

    •  28.05.2024 

      +++ very good +++

    •  28.05.2024 

      Todo perfecto. Excelente producto

    •  27.05.2024 

      Tutto ok

    •  26.05.2024 

      This is a great statue of Elvira and the magnets are a good idea it give the changeable parts in place and the light up tv is a good idea to I would recommend her to any Elvira fan

    •  26.05.2024 

      Ottimo e-bayer

    •  26.05.2024 

      Ottimo e-bayer

    •  25.05.2024 

      Condizioni perfette, qualità ottima.

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