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GURREN LAGANN - Riobot Combine Gurren Lagan Diecast Action Figure

GURREN LAGANN - Riobot Combine Gurren Lagan Diecast Action FigureGURREN LAGANN - Riobot Combine Gurren Lagan Diecast Action FigureGURREN LAGANN - Riobot Combine Gurren Lagan Diecast Action FigureGURREN LAGANN - Riobot Combine Gurren Lagan Diecast Action FigureGURREN LAGANN - Riobot Combine Gurren Lagan Diecast Action FigureGURREN LAGANN - Riobot Combine Gurren Lagan Diecast Action FigureGURREN LAGANN - Riobot Combine Gurren Lagan Diecast Action FigureGURREN LAGANN - Riobot Combine Gurren Lagan Diecast Action FigureGURREN LAGANN - Riobot Combine Gurren Lagan Diecast Action FigureGURREN LAGANN - Riobot Combine Gurren Lagan Diecast Action FigureGURREN LAGANN - Riobot Combine Gurren Lagan Diecast Action FigureGURREN LAGANN - Riobot Combine Gurren Lagan Diecast Action FigureGURREN LAGANN - Riobot Combine Gurren Lagan Diecast Action FigureGURREN LAGANN - Riobot Combine Gurren Lagan Diecast Action FigureGURREN LAGANN - Riobot Combine Gurren Lagan Diecast Action FigureGURREN LAGANN - Riobot Combine Gurren Lagan Diecast Action Figure

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498,96 Iva inclusa (23%)

Cod. art.: SEN20230201
Condizioni: Nuovo
Marca: Sentinel
Tipologia: Action Figure
EAN/UPC: 4571335887759
Disponibilità: disponibile disponibile per la spedizione immediata
Super Ultra Combining! Gurren Lagann!! Just who... in the hell... do you think we are!?

A fully transformable and combinable "Gurren Lagann" figure from the anime "Gurren Lagann" is finally here!

The Super Ultra Combining of the individually transformable "Gurren" and "Lagann" into Gurren Lagann is fully realized in this figure.

Featuring the simple but sharp look straight from the show, diecast materials are used to give the figure a good robust feel.

A variety of accessories such as Drills, Gurren Boomerang, Gurren Wing, as well as miniature figures of Kamina and Simon are included. Sentinel presents the ultimate Gurren Lagann action figure!


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    Feedback degli utenti
    •  14.06.2024 

      Absolutely stunning rare Godzilla, my son is thrilled with him. Safely packed and sent via FedEx with early tracking details provided. Thank you.

    •  14.06.2024 

      Spedizione fulminea e imballaggio ottimo, arrivato in perfette condizioni.

    •  14.06.2024 

      Amazing product! I'm in love with ! great seller, fast shipment and delivered in time, Highly recommended.

    •  14.06.2024 

      Super venditore. Tutto perfetto! Ottima spedizione veloce

    •  14.06.2024 

      Prodotto perfetto e venditore estremamente professionale!

    •  14.06.2024 

      Perfetti come sempre!

    •  13.06.2024 

      Perfect and very fast

    •  13.06.2024 

      Ottimo venditore, spedizione veloce ed imballaggio perfetto. Consigliato!

    •  13.06.2024 

      SUPER FIGUR !!!

    •  12.06.2024 

      Spedizione rapidissima! Great seller! Grazie!

    Elenco completo »

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