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GURREN LAGANN - Legacy of Revoltech N.053 Yoko Movie Ver. Action Figure

GURREN LAGANN - Legacy of Revoltech N.053 Yoko Movie Ver. Action FigureGURREN LAGANN - Legacy of Revoltech N.053 Yoko Movie Ver. Action FigureGURREN LAGANN - Legacy of Revoltech N.053 Yoko Movie Ver. Action FigureGURREN LAGANN - Legacy of Revoltech N.053 Yoko Movie Ver. Action FigureGURREN LAGANN - Legacy of Revoltech N.053 Yoko Movie Ver. Action FigureGURREN LAGANN - Legacy of Revoltech N.053 Yoko Movie Ver. Action FigureGURREN LAGANN - Legacy of Revoltech N.053 Yoko Movie Ver. Action Figure

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79,90 Iva inclusa (22%)

Cod. art.: KYD11039
Condizioni: Nuovo
Marca: Kaiyodo
Tipologia: Revoltech
EAN/UPC: 4537807110398
Disponibilità: disponibile disponibile per la spedizione immediata

Kaiyodo re-releases their superb Fraulein Revoltech action figure of Yoko based on the "Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann: Gurren-hen" movie! This version depicts the red-hot sniper with an even bigger chest than the normal Fraulein Revoltech Yoko, two facial expressions, loosened hair, and plenty of weapons to take down the evil Gunmen! Graced with 19 points of articulation, this 15cm action figure comes packed with an interchangeable face and ponytail hair part, a superconducting rifle, a sub-machine gun, a handgun, a pair of hair pins, nine optional hands, and a figure display stand.

Yoko was originally part of Kaiyodo's Fraulein (German for "young lady") Revoltech toy line, which features monthly releases of approximately 6-inch tall action figures of female characters from popular anime titles, illustrators, and video games. The brainchild of master sculptor Tomohide Enoki, this toy line's figures utilize the innovative "E.L.F." joint system coupled with Revoltech joints and can be set in a diverse range of poses.

  • [Figure Size]: About 15cm tall

[Set Contents]:

  • Rifle
  • Sub-machine gun
  • Hand gun
  • Hair pin (x2)
  • Optional head
  • Optional hair
  • Optional hand (x9)
  • Display base


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