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GUNDAM 30MM / 30 MINUTES MISSIONS - 1/144 Customize Material 3D Lens Stickers Model Kit

GUNDAM 30MM / 30 MINUTES MISSIONS - 1/144 Customize Material 3D Lens Stickers Model KitGUNDAM 30MM / 30 MINUTES MISSIONS - 1/144 Customize Material 3D Lens Stickers Model KitGUNDAM 30MM / 30 MINUTES MISSIONS - 1/144 Customize Material 3D Lens Stickers Model KitGUNDAM 30MM / 30 MINUTES MISSIONS - 1/144 Customize Material 3D Lens Stickers Model KitGUNDAM 30MM / 30 MINUTES MISSIONS - 1/144 Customize Material 3D Lens Stickers Model Kit

Feedback degli utenti


9,90 Iva inclusa (22%)

Cod. art.: BANS65019
Condizioni: Nuovo
Marca: Bandai
Tipologia: Model Kit - 30MM
Scala: 1/144
EAN/UPC: 4573102650191
Disponibilità: disponibile disponibile per la spedizione immediata

This is a set of optional parts for modifying or detailing robot and other science-fiction kits.

Bandai brings us a new brand of official material parts: welcome the "Customize Material" lineup!

This set includes two different types of three-dimensional round lenses, in 5mm and 4mm sizes, and in pink and green. They'll attach easily to your favorite models, since they're self-adhesive.

Get ready to create your ultimate custom mecha, and order yours today!


  • 3D lens stickers (x2 types)

Please note that the first release of this item may be limited, and in some cases it may not be possible to fill all orders at the time of its initial release. Any order not filled at the time of the initial release will be filled by subsequent restocks, but we recommend placing an order as soon as possible for your best chance to receive a piece from the first release!


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    Feedback degli utenti
    •  28.05.2024 


    •  28.05.2024 

      Great ebayer! Thank you very much!

    •  28.05.2024 

      Article conforme à la description et arrivé en bon état. Colis bien protégé. Pas de communication du vendeur.

    •  28.05.2024 

      +++ very good +++

    •  28.05.2024 

      Todo perfecto. Excelente producto

    •  27.05.2024 

      Tutto ok

    •  26.05.2024 

      This is a great statue of Elvira and the magnets are a good idea it give the changeable parts in place and the light up tv is a good idea to I would recommend her to any Elvira fan

    •  26.05.2024 

      Ottimo e-bayer

    •  26.05.2024 

      Ottimo e-bayer

    •  25.05.2024 

      Condizioni perfette, qualità ottima.

    Elenco completo »

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