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JURASSIC WORLD - Final Battle Indominus Rex Polystone Statue

JURASSIC WORLD - Final Battle Indominus Rex Polystone StatueJURASSIC WORLD - Final Battle Indominus Rex Polystone StatueJURASSIC WORLD - Final Battle Indominus Rex Polystone StatueJURASSIC WORLD - Final Battle Indominus Rex Polystone Statue

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1.499,90 Iva inclusa (22%)

Cod. art.: CHCO88783
Condizioni: Nuovo
Marca: Chronicle Collectibles
Tipologia: Statue - Polystone
EAN/UPC: 680168887837
Disponibilità: non disponibile
Ten successful years have passed since Jurassic World was renamed and reopened to the public. InGen's owner, Masrani Global Corporation, is overjoyed with the opulence of the park and continues to pressure the InGen scientists to push for bigger and better attractions. After seeing a decline in profits, Simon Masrani pressures the park's chief scientist, Dr. Henry Wu, to craft a new dinosaur by splicing DNA from multiple dinosaurs and other animals. Unbeknownst to Masrani, Wu already had plans to weaponize his spliced creations for military operations.

When scientists in the real world or a fictitious one create new weapons, the key is packing the most punch with the resources available to them. The Indominus Rex is no different. Some of the known species that were used by Dr. Wu in the creation of the hybrid dinosaur are Tyrannosaurus rex, Velociraptor, Carnotaurus, Giganotosaurus, Majungasaurus, Rugops, and Therizinosaurus as well as modern animals like cuttlefish, tree frogs, and a pit viper snake. The mixed DNA of these creatures birthed a dinosaur so strong and intelligent that she escapes from her pen by controlling her body temperature to fool the thermal cameras, tricking the staff into thinking she had already escaped. Just before all hope was lost for Jurassic World, an unlikely adversary appears to contain the rampant Indominus Rex, giving audiences one of the most epic battles in the Jurassic Franchise.

The Polystone statue measures approx. 76 x 30 x 23 cm.

Limited to 300 pieces.


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    •  16.06.2024 

      ?????????? FIVE STAR Ebay Seller ! Many Thanks ??????????

    •  16.06.2024 


    •  15.06.2024 

      Molto bello

    •  15.06.2024 

      Merce (non semplice da reperire) arrivata ben imballata, in perfette condizioni in tempi celeri al prezzo di mercato, senza spese di spedizione. Consigliato.

    •  15.06.2024 

      Tutto liscio come l'olio

    •  15.06.2024 

      Alles Top ????!!!

    •  14.06.2024 

      Absolutely stunning rare Godzilla, my son is thrilled with him. Safely packed and sent via FedEx with early tracking details provided. Thank you.

    •  14.06.2024 

      Spedizione fulminea e imballaggio ottimo, arrivato in perfette condizioni.

    •  14.06.2024 

      Amazing product! I'm in love with ! great seller, fast shipment and delivered in time, Highly recommended.

    •  14.06.2024 

      Super venditore. Tutto perfetto! Ottima spedizione veloce

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