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LORD OF THE RINGS - The Dark Lord Sauron 1/6 Polystone Statue

LORD OF THE RINGS - The Dark Lord Sauron 1/6 Polystone StatueLORD OF THE RINGS - The Dark Lord Sauron 1/6 Polystone StatueLORD OF THE RINGS - The Dark Lord Sauron 1/6 Polystone StatueLORD OF THE RINGS - The Dark Lord Sauron 1/6 Polystone StatueLORD OF THE RINGS - The Dark Lord Sauron 1/6 Polystone StatueLORD OF THE RINGS - The Dark Lord Sauron 1/6 Polystone StatueLORD OF THE RINGS - The Dark Lord Sauron 1/6 Polystone StatueLORD OF THE RINGS - The Dark Lord Sauron 1/6 Polystone StatueLORD OF THE RINGS - The Dark Lord Sauron 1/6 Polystone StatueLORD OF THE RINGS - The Dark Lord Sauron 1/6 Polystone StatueLORD OF THE RINGS - The Dark Lord Sauron 1/6 Polystone StatueLORD OF THE RINGS - The Dark Lord Sauron 1/6 Polystone StatueLORD OF THE RINGS - The Dark Lord Sauron 1/6 Polystone StatueLORD OF THE RINGS - The Dark Lord Sauron 1/6 Polystone StatueLORD OF THE RINGS - The Dark Lord Sauron 1/6 Polystone StatueLORD OF THE RINGS - The Dark Lord Sauron 1/6 Polystone StatueLORD OF THE RINGS - The Dark Lord Sauron 1/6 Polystone StatueLORD OF THE RINGS - The Dark Lord Sauron 1/6 Polystone StatueLORD OF THE RINGS - The Dark Lord Sauron 1/6 Polystone StatueLORD OF THE RINGS - The Dark Lord Sauron 1/6 Polystone StatueLORD OF THE RINGS - The Dark Lord Sauron 1/6 Polystone StatueLORD OF THE RINGS - The Dark Lord Sauron 1/6 Polystone StatueLORD OF THE RINGS - The Dark Lord Sauron 1/6 Polystone StatueLORD OF THE RINGS - The Dark Lord Sauron 1/6 Polystone Statue

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2.399,90 Iva inclusa (22%)

Cod. art.: WETA860103271
Condizioni: Nuovo
Marca: Weta
Tipologia: Statue - Polystone
Scala: 1/6
EAN/UPC: 9420024732717
Disponibilità: disponibile disponibile per la spedizione immediata
Seeking nothing less than dominion over all Middle-earth, Sauron wages war against a Last Alliance of Men and Elves. Though the allies of the West have fought their way to the very foot of Mount Doom in the land of Mordor where the Dark Lord reigns, his forces are vast and formidable.

Waves of vicious Orcs break again and again upon the lines of Elven King Gil-galad and Elendil of Númenor. Outnumbered and weary, the armies of light might yet prevail, but for the power of the One Ring, for striding out of the gloom beneath the Mountain of Fire is Sauron himself.
Towering above man and Elf alike, the Dark Lord is a hideous figure of twisted, blackened metal with a tall, spiked helm. In his iron grip is a cruel mace, but the greatest weapon he wields is the magical Ring upon his gloved finger.

Fiery runes flash across its golden surface and power surges from it through the looming warrior, for within the Ring the Dark Lord has woven ancient and terrible magic, suffused with his own vile spirit. No soldier can stand against Sauron's advance so long as the Ring remains his, for in it lies the power to dominate all life, and from it only death can come.


- 1:6 scale;
- Limited Edition;
- Depicts the iconic Dark Lord in celebration of the 20th anniversary of The Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring;
- Digitally sculpted by Fabio Paiva with reference from the original movie costume;
- Swappable hand, holding either sword or mace;
- Features Sauron's Sword, originally made for a cut scene from The Lord of the Rings: Return of the King, never seen before in collectible form;
- Base environment depicting Mt. Doom, with LED lighting lava effects (universal power adaptor included).

Dimensions: 66,5 x 44,5 x 33,5 cm

Limited Edition of 1451 pcs worldwide.


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    •  16.06.2024 

      ?????????? FIVE STAR Ebay Seller ! Many Thanks ??????????

    •  16.06.2024 


    •  15.06.2024 

      Molto bello

    •  15.06.2024 

      Merce (non semplice da reperire) arrivata ben imballata, in perfette condizioni in tempi celeri al prezzo di mercato, senza spese di spedizione. Consigliato.

    •  15.06.2024 

      Tutto liscio come l'olio

    •  15.06.2024 

      Alles Top ????!!!

    •  14.06.2024 

      Absolutely stunning rare Godzilla, my son is thrilled with him. Safely packed and sent via FedEx with early tracking details provided. Thank you.

    •  14.06.2024 

      Spedizione fulminea e imballaggio ottimo, arrivato in perfette condizioni.

    •  14.06.2024 

      Amazing product! I'm in love with ! great seller, fast shipment and delivered in time, Highly recommended.

    •  14.06.2024 

      Super venditore. Tutto perfetto! Ottima spedizione veloce

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